Friday, November 8, 2013

Hokies at Housing Education and Research Association Conference

Hokies at Award Banquet
This year’s HERA conference was a celebration of Hokies.  Three housing faculty members, Drs. Julia Beamish, Kathy Parrott, and JoAnn Emmel (emeritus), were honored with  the organizations’ Housing Impact Award, for their development of the Center for Real Life Design and their research and publications in the kitchen and bath design field.  Dr. Hyun-Jeong Lee, Ph.D. Housing Alumni and Associate Professor at Chungbuk National University in South Korea, was a recipient of Early Career Award. The conference was co-hosted by Dr. Jorge Atiles, a Ph.D. Housing alumni, and Associate Dean of Extension and Engagement in the College of Human Sciences at Oklahoma State University.
Housing faculty, students and alumni presented 14 papers and posters at the three day conference in Tulsa Oklahoma. 

Drs. Beamish and Parrott with their recent books
HERA Housing Impact Awardees of 2013

Ahn, M., Lee, S., & Parrott, K. Demographic and housing characteristics of Hispanic renters in the United States.
Al-Daily, W., & Parrott, K. Informal housing in Sana’a, Yemen: Access to land and land management crises.
Peek, G., Atiles, J., Royer, T., Taylor, L., & Blocker, M. Sleep tight: Bed bugs Extension education in a rural state.  
Ballard de Ruiz, A. S. & Machara, M. Teaching environmental sustainability in housing.
Ballard de Ruiz, A. S. & Machara, M. Sustainable living education for low-income homeowners.
Beamish, J., & Semeah, L. Housing satisfaction and the rental housing search process of veterans with disabilities.
Davis, C. & Hwang, E. The built environment and walkability for seniors.
Goss, R. Creation of an interdisciplinary real estate major: Challenges and opportunities.
Hwang, E., Kwon, H., Koh, S., & Beamish, J. Retirees moving to Jeju, Korea
Kwon, H., Hwang, E., & Beamish, J. A demographic profile of older adults’ disabilities and housing accessibilities: The 2011 American Housing Survey.
Lee, H. Young professionals’ housing cost burden and financial dependence on parents to afford housing costs in Korea.
Lee, S., Ahn, M., & Parrott, K. Resources and constraints for U.S. baby boomer’s housing affordability: Application of housing adjustment theory.
Parrott, K. R. and Adell, R. How Housing Matters: Expanding the audience.
Parrott, K., Emmel, J., Beamish, J., & Peterson, J. Focus on sustainability issues in the education of kitchen and bath design professionals.  

Hokie Dinner at HERA 2013

By:  Eunju Hwang, Assistant Professor of Housing, AHRM, VT